Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Admitting Need! I need HELP!

I know that I have always struggled with doing too much, and creating stress and things to do for myself. I know many of you reading this know this, and some of you know that this is pretty normal and that it will somewhat always be apart of me.

I must admit that yes, this is very much apart of my lifestyle and probably is favored by my innovative and creative technical brain. There is a big flaw in the way I operate. The flaw is that I get easily overloaded and pretty high strung and stressed at times. This issue I know eventually will probably blow up in my face and destroy any sense of respect that people may have for me. I do not want that to happen, but I also know that God is redemptive and can dish out some amazing corrections.

I don’t think that it is within Christendom, for it to blow up. So, I am putting it out there for you to step up to the plate and help out. I think that the reason I often do too much is probably because I don’t know how to communicate the need or task well enough, or that people are not committed enough to actually help and get the job/ministry done well, concise, and holistically.

I know that I need less on my plate, unfortunately I have a lot on my plate because I have financial needs, and ideas that need to be developed for met to carry out God’s vision.

Where it hurts is the game of “getting the church to buy in.” I don’t like wasting time or resources or playing traditional business games. I don’t necessarily want to get big, and be heard about all over the place. I think that there is probably a fair chance that my life will be pretty big, but hopefully it will be just because I am doing something that is innovative in how we become the hands and feet of Christ.

Some of you are settling for a very boring or complacent life, and that may be because you aren’t doing anything! your plate has some room, and your not excited because you ate all that was the best thing on it. You want a bit more but its scary for you to get up and go get it.

Some Ideas of How to meet Needs....

For you Thinkers, Intellectuals, Suburbanites, and Everyone else:
        How can we empower the inner city/urban poor. Many wealthier churches/people often come to serve places like my neighborhood. How can you give us the chance to serve? How can they afford it? It is much easier for us to be the receivers, and for you to be the givers. How can we get to be empowered to give/serve?

Use your gifts and some ideas I have:
        You all have gifts, figure out what they are, and lets find out how they can help out. I know I cannot take on anything else, and need you to fill up some of your empty space on your plate!

*Businessmen/ women investors: I would love to develop a coffee shop/ washeteria (laundry mat)/ community info/tutoring center.

*Lawyers, Accountants, Real Estate, Grant writers: I know that I need you! I know there’s going to be issues with acquisition of properties, running businesses, and how to fund these thoughts. I know I will need a business license, and navigating to become a non-profit and what not.

* Businessmen/women, Builders, Contractors, Electricians, Carpenters people with trade skills: I dream of a transitional housing/rental homes in which people pay lower rent, and have special savings accounts that are dedicated toward them purchasing homes and teaching financial literacy.
        *There’s a house I have the tax deed on, and want to renovate and turn into housing.
        *There’s always odd jobs that people need help with in the neighborhood.
        *The underside of my house is not insulated, if anyone would like to spray foam up under the house that would be amazing. I know I can get Crossroads Missions to spray for $1.30 a sq.ft. which the footprint of my house is about 900-1000 sq.ft.

*Businessmen/Women: consider figuring out how to create a business mentorship program, to not just employ neighbors, but to mentor them in faith and build their skills and resumes at the same time.

*Photographers,Grant Writers, and Organizers, Artists this is you! - I want to host an Night time in the Inner City: Family Portrait night. I think that many have probably not had the chance to get family portraits done, nor have there probably been artistic/creative family portrait shots created. So I would love to organize a big family portrait event.

*Outdoorsy Folks- Many of these children and youth get to see mountains but never get to experience them. Lets get them out, don’t forget the gear. If any one has any connections to good gear lets get some, and take them out. There’s a lot of confidence and leadership building that can happen when your in God’s great creation and existing in a different environment

Move in:
        come join in the neighborhood, and be another consistent believer before us. The consistency in joy and faith in Christ sets a beautiful standard that is not often seen. Help paint the picture of the fullness of life. I also just need help organizing/thinking/setting up. I want to do after school tutoring, but I cant be at my house enough, and my jobs steal away from me wanting to interact with anyone.

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